Free Delivery is now available to Postcodes DD1-DD6 on Orders Over £20.
Out with Postcodes DD1-DD6 an £10.95 Flat Rate Delivery will apply**.
Free Delivery for orders over £100
Or alternatively you can use Click and Collect for your convenience
**Orders when dispatched by courier are on a next day delivery service, we operate a leave safe policy, our drivers will simply leave the box, following the instructions that you specify. All our boxes contain foil insulation and ice packs to keep your items fresh. [Tip: Keep your delivery instructions short and simple for the driver to follow! Phone numbers are not the most effective leave safe comment – not all drivers carry mobile phones.]
Due to the perishable nature of the product we can only deliver to the UK Mainland. If you order from anywhere else unfortunately we may have to cancel your order, we are sorry for any inconvenience caused.